If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) / Software Product Development Company or an exciting Technology Start-up, we can partner with you to either augment or outsource your development & testing needs for faster delivery and free up your valuable resources to focus on core business.
If you are a Software Services Company or Software Consultant looking for a reliable IT company to outsource your projects then ANGLER with its proven delivery mechanism and qualified talent pool is the ideal company. We can also work closely with your teams for estimation, development, testing and support for your software projects.
If your company is into Media or Digital Marketing or Web Development, and want to improve your value chain by offering technical services to your end client, you can partner with us to harness the offshore model of ''Design there, Produce Here''.
If you are part of the top management or heading a particular department, then ANGLER can be your Full Service Provider for Software Solutions & Online Strategies providing the right balance between quality and cost.